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Certified Software Asset Manager Exam (CSAM)

The Certified Software Asset Manager (CSAM) exam voucher may only be purchased with the CSAM course.  The CSAM course is accredited by APMG and IAITAM and completing this course fully qualifies you to sit for the IAITAM CSAM examination given by IAITAM.  The CSAM exam may only be taken after students have completed an accredited Certified Asset Manager course.  

Online certifiation testing is available for students after course completion with a valid exam voucher.  The voucher may be purchased from GogoTraining only at the time the course is purchased.  For students who do not purchase an exam voucher at the time of class purchase, they may purchase the voucher directly from IAITAM within 24 to 48 hours of attaining their course completion certificate.

The exam consists of one hundred (100) questions and a passing market is achieved by attaining a score of 85% or higher.

One test retake is free of charge for those that fail to pass on the first attempt.  The retake is available to students after a 48 hour window of the first attempt and must be completed during the 28 day open period.